Friday, April 22, 2011

Giants Link Round-Up 4/22

It's Friday and that means it's time for some links. Here is the best of the best from around the Giants Blogoshpere:

Bay City Ball: Otis gives us a nice piece on Ball in Play Types for Pitchers.

Baseball Monk: The monks take a swing at answering the very tough question: When Does Cheating Overshadow Greatness?

Splashing Pumpkins: Julian is the barer of bad news and try's to rain on everyone's parade with his worries about Aubrey Huff.

Fangraphs: Along the same lines as the piece from the Splashing Pumpkins, Joe Pawlikowski has some longer term concerns about the decisions that the Giants face with Belt and Huff.

Optioned to Fresno: Kevin, who is a contributor here at the Crabbers, has a new blog that focuses on prospects and minor league baseball, specifically the Giants farm system. Add this to your reading lists and check out his post Why Brandon Belt 's Stint Wasn't a Total Disappointment.

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